Saturday, June 4, 2011

Two Days Left?!

Yes~~~ I'm back~ but I only got two days left after that, It's "Hell's Year", not day, not week but YEAR. I know what you're thinking "what's with the Hell's Year thingy?" Well that my friend, that's only my meaning to one thing and it's my "School". I know I wont be able to use the computer unless I finished everything.... that sucks.
Sigh, I just started reading the Pandora Hearts and now I have two days left... HOW AM I SUPPOSE TO FINISH 60 CHAPTERS IN 2 FREAKING DAYS!!! sorry bout that my caps lock key went berserk...
Anyway just the other day, I've learned how to do the footwork from Fiction by B2ST though I haven't tried the rest of the dance only the footwork :)) thank's to prepixhaw (he's a good editor and choreographer) I don't have to break my ankle again.

Well after this post Pandora Hearts is coming up next :D

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